26 February 2011

Ski trip: Davos/Klosters again

We had to go back to Davos/Klosters after Switzerland finally got some decent snow in the mountains. We even tried some off-piste skiing!

Reise: Bern

We recently went to Bern to visit the Zentrum Paul Klee. Zoë and Annie took a studio art class there.

While we were in Bern we did a little sight-seeing . . .

. . . and found some good things to eat, like these Spitzbuben.

We were also excited to see that the Lolipop store in Bern has a slide at the entrance!

Working with clay

Rock sculptures along the Zürich See

Forced peach blossoms . . .

. . . look beautiful, but kind of stink!

22 February 2011

Fasnacht is coming

It's nearly Mardi Gras time, and here in Switzerland we have Fasnacht to look forward to. We're planning to go to Luzern to see the festivities. Meanwhile, we are preparing our own papier-mâché masks. More on that soon.

Paul Klee

Later this week we'll be going to Bern to the museum dedicated to Paul Klee. We've been looking at his work and did some collages based on his painting, The Castle and the Sun (above).

17 February 2011

Winter, where are you?

Switzerland (and pretty much all of Europe for that matter) has had very little snow in the mountains this year. A lot of the ski runs are closed. We've still managed to find some good places to ski....

Ski trip: Pizol again

We are making the most of sportferien, our two week holiday (when everyone in Switzerland goes skiing)!

(If we can't have a chairlift, we like these button lifts better than T-bars!)

The Swiss adventures of Flat Stanley

We recently received Flat Stanley in the mail from our good friend Andrew in Philadelphia. He was hoping we might show Stan the town.

But before we even had a chance to buy Stanley a tram ticket, he met a new friend, Flat Heidi--and she took him all over Zürich!

Swingin' with Aunt Carri

07 February 2011

New pets

We've got two dogs in the house now. Zoë and Annie made these guys in their handarbeit (hand work) class at school.

Ski trip: Pizol